Springtide Ballet School 春天芭蕾舞學校
Ages 3-5. No previous training. Emphasis is on creative movement.
各級芭蕾舞考試班(Pre-Primary – Grade 8)
教授英國皇家舞蹈學院考試課程,更輔以團體舞步,音樂節奏訓練,舞劇欣賞及舞蹈創作坊等。 學生除了可參加英國皇家舞蹈學院各級考試外,亦可參加大型舞蹈比賽及表演。學生須每星期上兩課 。
Minimum ages 5. Based on RAD exam syllabus, students are encouraged to participate in examinations, dance competitions and performacnes. Two class/week recommended.
高級芭蕾舞班 (Intermediate Foundation – Solo Seal)
教授英國皇家舞蹈學院專業考試課程,以及舞台技巧,團體舞步創作等。 保送學生參加英國皇家舞蹈學院各專業級考試。學生須每星期最少上三課。
Ages 11- up. The class suitable for those who have passed Grade 5 or above and aim for a more professional standard. Students will emphasis on pointe techniques and on performances. Minimum three classes/week required.
青少年及成人芭蕾舞班 (Teenage and Adult Ballet Course)
這課程適合16歲或以上有興趣人士參加,學員除了學習到芭蕾舞基本步法的訓練外,亦揉合Pilates bodyworks,改善身體線條,增加柔軟度。
This is suitable for age 16 or above, who is interested in ballet dancing, and this is suitable for beginners.
暑期舞蹈課程 (Summer Fun Dance Course)
Ages 3-12. Summer Fun Dance Course is opened during July and August every year. A pair of ballet soft shoes will be given to all New students.
報名: 歡迎致電本校(2668 8170)查詢詳情及上課時間
For class schedule and admission enquries, please feel free to contact us at 2668 8170.